Therapy Take-Out #1 - Fight or flight and inner child re-parenting. Plus sprinkle pancakes on the ceiling.
Think of this series like an order you placed with Shake Shack but instead of fries you're getting bite sized pieces of my therapy sessions delivered to you at home.
Welcome to Therapy Take-Out! Think of this series of posts like an order your placed with Shake Shack but instead of food you’re getting bite sized pieces of my therapy sessions delivered to you at home. Yeah Shake Shack might sound better but this is better for your mental health people! If you don’t have time for therapy, or you feel a bit weary about the whole thing - I wanted to be able to share with you what’s helping me.
It may push you to google or Zoc Doc therapists in your area or it may just provide you with some key insights and a few laughs. Or it might just wreck you entirely - I’m really not sure!
Here we go!
Insights for this week:
Living in a state of fight, flight or freeze is totally not good for our nervous systems. Once we begin to notice when we are moving through these stages we can work on stabilizing ourselves. I literally live in these stages and I’m hard at work trying to regulate. When you are experiencing one of these stages -remember that you are SAFE. Breathe.
Being a woman and a mom is non-stop. Finding the time for yourself is tricky - I told my therapist that even when I have the time for myself I am either cleaning, doing laundry or cleaning up sprinkle pancake batter off my ceiling (kidding…kind of?) Leave the dirty dishes, leave the laundry on the floor and take 20 minutes for yourself. Everything will get done at some point. I know it’s hard to relax when you have a huge to-do list and you have an inner “HURRY UP!” screaming in your ear but the truth is if you don’t put on your own damn oxygen mask first - everyone else will fall apart.
Inner child healing is the practice of reparenting yourself if you grew up with any kind of childhood trauma. This type of practice involves recognizing unmet needs from childhood. Practicing self-care and compassion for yourself as well as meditation and journaling. Find your childhood wonder and joy - ask yourself in meditation “What do you want to do?” and go with it!
Two self care things I’m doing this week:
Also I hate “self care”. Let’s rename it to “things I need to start doing or changing to heal and accept my real authentic kick ass mother fucking self- bahhhh!”
Chamomile tea and clever blends at night. If you haven’t tried clever blends… you need to. Oprah herself said so! I love the sleeptime super latte and coffee super latte. I love the occasional glass of wine but decided to only have one when out for a date night with the husband or any other kind of event or gal friend outing. My sleep is so much better with tea and blends almost every night!
Stop rushing. With therapy I notice that my body is constantly rushing which then turns me into anxious Kelly. Reminding myself to breathe and that there is no need to speed through life is enough to make me self regulate.
Thanks for reading! Hope to see you next week!
Kelly XO
LOL Gonna have to embroider this on a pillow for my house: “Self-care: things I need to start doing or changing to heal and accept my real authentic kick ass mother fucking self- bahhhh!” LOVE IT! <3